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Know your rights about public school bus transportation to CAWNY! 

There are two different ways to receive transportation to CAWNY from your local school district

(directly from your home to CAWNY or from a pickup point near your home to CAWNY).
Take a moment and read both options! Know your rights!

Quick Facts
City of Niagara Falls residents:  the City of Niagara Falls is not required to provide transportation.

City of Buffalo residents:  the City of Buffalo is not required to provide transportation.

City of Tonawanda residents: the City of Tonawanda is not required to provide transportation (but the Ken-Ton school district might depending on your location).

(North Tonawanda residents: As with public school students, Kindergarten through 5th Grade students must live more than 3/4 miles from the school to qualify and 6th through 8th Grade students must live more than two miles away.)

(Districts that have provided transportation in the past include: Cheektowaga, Clarence, Grand Island, KenTon, LewPort, Niagara Wheatfield, North Tonawanda, RoyHart, Starpoint, Sweet Home, Williamsville and Wilson.)


Public School Bus Transportation between your home and CAWNY

How close does my family have to live in order to receive public school bus transportation to CAWNY?

In order to qualify for at home pickup, your family must live within fifteen (15) miles of CAWNY.


Is there a deadline for requesting public school bussing from my house to CAWNY?


Parents must request transportation services in writing (and possibly in person) by April 1 (unless new to the area).  Requests must be made directly to the public school authorities (in most cases, the necessary forms are on the public school website).  The obligation to summit a timely request rests with the parents.  (NYSED Law, Question B1)

Unfortunately, with a great amount of fraud being committed at some of the local school districts, the school district transportation offices are requiring families to request school bus transportation in person.  You will be required to complete a request form and provide proof of residency.  Please visit your district's website for a telephone number so that you can have everything you need before you head down to their offices.

CAWNY cannot request transportation for you.

(If it is past April 1, please be sure to read about your other option below.)


What if we just moved in the school district and would like to request public school bussing from our home to CAWNY?

You need to file a request in writing within 30 days of moving into the school district (in most cases, the necessary forms are on the public school website).  (NYSED Law, Question B6)

Unfortunately, with a great amount of fraud being committed at some of the local school districts, the school district transportation offices are requiring families to request school bus transportation in person.  You will be required to complete a request form and provide proof of residency.  Please visit your district's website for a telephone number so that you can have everything you need before you head down to their offices.

CAWNY cannot request transportation for you.

(If it is past the deadline, please be sure to read about your other option below.)


What if my request is “late”?

A “late” request is one filed by a resident after the April 1 deadline or by a new resident more than 30 days after moving into the district.

A public school district must honor a late request if there are good reasons for the delay.  However, a good reason is defined by that school district’s Board of Education.

If you feel you have a good reason for requesting transportation late, call your local public school district and explain your situation.  Perhaps they will honor your late request…especially if they are already transporting another student from your district.  It is always worth a try. (NYSED Law, Questions B8-11)

(Be sure to read the information below about a PickUp Point.)


What if we have done everything correctly according to the law and my school district refuses to provide transportation (and is not one of the exceptions listed at the top of this page)?

Unfortunately, you, as the school district resident, have a much larger voice to remind the school district of their obligations under the law then CAWNY does.  Know your rights and be firm!

CAWNY cannot request transportation for you.

If that fails, you can always appeal to the Superintendent, the Board of Education and finally the New York State Commission of Education. (NYSED Law, Question B13)


Public School Bus Transportation between a PickUp Point in your area and CAWNY

Is there any way for my student(s) to be bussed if we live outside of the fifteen-mile radius?

Yes, through what is known as the pickup point law. This provision of the Education Law requires school districts which are currently transporting pupils to a nonpublic school to designate one or more public schools as centralized pickup points for nonpublic school pupils who live beyond the 15-mile limit. The parent must arrange to get the pupil to and from the pickup point; the district then transports the pupil between that point and the nonpublic school. In order for the pickup point arrangement to be operative, the school district must currently be providing transportation to that nonpublic school for at least one pupil who lives within the prescribed mileage limits.  (NYSED Law, pg. 1, 2nd paragraph; NYSED Law, Section D)

In other words, if just one CAWNY student is receiving Home to School transportation from the district, they must provide a PickUp Point (one of their school buildings) for other students, regardless of their home address.

Call our office (433-1652) to find out if CAWNY is currently bussing any students from your school district.  If so, that district must provide transportation for your student(s) from a designated pickup point in your district.

Unfortunately, especially with new students, the school district transportation offices are requiring families to request school bus transportation in person.  You will be required to complete a request form and provide proof of residency.  Please visit your district's website for a telephone number so that you can have everything you need before you head down to their offices.

CAWNY cannot request transportation for you.


This law does not apply to the City of Tonawanda, City of Buffalo or the City of Niagara Falls.

This law also does not apply to Pre-K students.

This law also does not apply to students who live within 2 miles (K-8) or within 3 miles (9-12) of CAWNY.

Lockport already provides a PickUp Point at 120 Main Street (behind Key Bank) in Lockport.  


Who is responsible for supervision at the PickUp Points?

The local school district is responsible for reasonable supervision.  (NYSED Law, Question A15)


What if my school district refuses to provide a Pickup Point, even though they are already transporting a CAWNY student?

You, as the school district resident, have a much larger voice to remind the school district of their obligations under this law then CAWNY does.  Know your rights and be firm!  (NYSED Law, pg. 1, 2nd paragraph)

If that fails, you can always appeal to the Superintendent, the Board of Education and finally the New York State Commission of Education. (NYSED Law, Question B13)


Is there a deadline to sign up for the PickUp Point location?

Parents must request transportation services in writing by April 1.  Requests must be made directly to the public school authorities (in most cases, the necessary forms are on the public school website).  The obligation to summit a timely request rests with the parents.  (NYSED Law, Question B1)

Unfortunately, with a great amount of fraud being committed at some of the local school districts, the school district transportation offices are requiring families to request school bus transportation in person.  You will be required to complete a request form and provide proof of residency.  Please visit your district's website for a telephone number so that you can have everything you need before you head down to their offices.

CAWNY cannot request transportation for you.

If we requesting transportation “late,” can my child still use the PickUp Point?

If a PickUp Point has already been established in your District and there is an open seat(s) on the bus, your student(s) may ride as well.  (NYSED Law, Question B12)

The NYSED law is found at here