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Bullying Policy

Our Academy’s Christian value of caring for each other as image-bearers of God leaves no room for bullying.  We recognize that bullying can happen.  Staff, students and parents must have a common view of what bullying is and how to respond to it, so we can eliminate it.  This requires the effort of home and school working together. 

Romans 13:10: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor."

Ephesians 4:32: " kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."

Definition: Deliberately hurtful behavior in words, actions or attitudes in or outside of school. Bullying occurs when a person willfully and repeatedly exercises power over another with hostile or malicious intent.

Behaviors include but are not limited to:
Name-calling, racial slurs, comments regarding looks, clothing, possessions, family, etc.
Exclusion from a group, not speaking to someone, gossip, telling hurtful stories
Stealing or damaging possessions and clothing
Pressure to conform or disobey, ridicule for not taking part in such activity
Physical assault, hitting, pushing, kicking, pulling hair, deliberately tripping
Impersonating someone over all social media platforms
Posting rude things or lies about someone online
Creating or voting at an online bashing poll or posting to a guestbook saying rude or mean things
Sign someone else up for something online without their permission
Use of bad language online.  Sending rude or scary things to someone, even if you were just joking

Prevention shall include, but not limited to:
Students will receive annual instruction of what bullying is
Students will be instructed to tell when they observe bullying
Students will be encouraged to tell when they feel they have been bullied
Students will be taught as bystanders they are responsible and play an important role
Students will be taught intervention strategies for victims and bystanders
Staff will be vigilant supervising students
Staff will take seriously information from parents about concern for their child
Parents will be informed of the Academy’s bullying guidelines
Administration, staff, and parents will work together to honor God in the way we treat each other

Responses shall include, but are not limited to:
Students must tell their teacher or available adult if they observe bullying
Staff will make every effort to detect change in attitude or mood of students
Staff will take all reported incidents of bullying seriously
Staff will confront bullying behavior immediately and assertively
Parents of students in bullying incidents will be informed and be involved in the resolution process

Consequences include, but are not limited to:
Each bullying offense will be referred to administration for disciplinary response according to our Discipline Policy.